Exhibition catalogues, Finno-Ugric People, Echo of the Urals
Uurali kaja: soome-urgri ja samojeedi rahvad
19,00 €
Handcraft and folk costumes, Trükiste valik
Rahvarõivaste valmistamise juhend. Pilistvere mees
9,00 €
Handcraft and folk costumes, Trükiste valik
Eesti vööd
32,00 €
The Music of Rug Patterns
12,00 €
Yearbooks, Special Offers
Eesti Rahva Muuseumi aastaraamat 60
8,00 € 10,00 €
Peasant-Shoes, Laste jalanõud
Peasant-Shoes without sole, size 27
47,00 €
Peasant-Shoes, Laste jalanõud
Peasant-Shoes without sole, size 29
49,00 €
Peasant-Shoes, Laste jalanõud
Peasant-Shoes without sole, size 32
51,00 €
Regarded as the Norm. Perennially Worn
Setu brooch, early 20th century
0,10 €
Regarded as the Norm. Perennially Worn
Sleeve embroidery of an Old Believer woman's costume from Varnja, secon half of the 19th century
0,10 €
Regarded as the Norm. Perennially Worn
Winter costume from Tõstamaa parish, late 19th century
0,10 €